Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Washing Dishes In Chad

When I was a kid, our dad told us it was our responsibility to do the dishes for our mother whenever possible, since she had already worked, made the meal, and washed our clothes during the day. Thankfully, my brothers, sister, and I each had two dishwashers…our right and left hands.

Chad is not too different from those days of my childhood. We don’t have washing machines here, but scrub the dishes with our hands. The kids bear the major weight of this responsibility. One slight difference is that we don’t have running water from a sink. Instead, we use a system of plastic basins. Soap and water are put into the first basin to wash the dishes. The second basin contains our rinse water. At the end is an empty basin, which we place the finished dishes in for drying.

Hadassah has been getting trained in for the chore of dishwashing. Here she is helping Fatuma by running each item through the rinse water and placing it into the drying tub:

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