Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Worship & Thievery

Now that our home is purchase Zoloft set up, we have started to host other expat workers on Sundays for a time of worship together. It is a blessing to sing, pray, and spend time in the Word together. There was a moment during the singing today that I paused and thought, “Thank you LORD, I really enjoy listening to this group praise you.”

Apparently, I wasn’t the buy prednisone online only one.

There were scores of little eyes looking into the windows to try and get a peak at what we were doing. Our water man, who was filling our water barrels, actually entered our living purchase Prozac room and was watching our time of worship with a smile. Each of these behaviors are actually quite inappropriate (although understandable with kids), but the pure curiosity (among other things) moves them to come take a peek. You almost feel like you’re at a zoo, but you are the one in the cage:

Despite the distractions, we continued singing and moved onto our teaching time in Acts. During our time in the Word, Sonja went outside to address the kids and tell them that this was our time of worship and that it wasn’t right for them be looking into our windows, but that they could come back and visit later. Unfortunately, as she went outside, she discovered bits of food items from our kitchen on the ground. A couple kids had actually entered our kitchen during our worship time and stolen food. We hope there is conviction as they observe us blessing them rather

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