Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Let’s Try Deworming!

Evangeline’s story is a little different than Perpetua’s.  After enjoying some days of recouped energy (maybe helped by the vitamin supplements we were giving her), she has unfortunately had a couple days of exhaustion again.  In consulting with a number of doctors, friends, and health manuals, we have come to the decision that we are going to deworm Evangeline.  An online dictionary defines the verb “deworm” like this:

de·worm [dēˈwərm/]

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1. to treat (an animal) in order to free it of worms.

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It’s actually not that uncommon for people to get worms here in Chad.  The tapeworm, in particular, exists in animals, and when the meat from an infected animal is not cooked well enough (which happens on occasion here), a person becomes infected.  The majority of symptoms listed for tapeworm (weakness, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and fatigue) align very closely to what Evangeline has been feeling.  So she will take two pills starting today and we’ll pray that if she has a tapeworm infection, the medicine would kill the tapeworm and she would pass it out.  Please pray for the Dolly with us:

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Zach Cann says:

    Hi Brotens! We are praying for you guys… especially for Perpetua and Evangeline! Above all, we pray that these light, momentary afflictions will ultimately produce for you (and the people of Chad) an eternal, weighty glory. Love to you all. The Canns.

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