Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Home Improvements: The Bathroom

We sort of left you hanging a couple months ago with “Constructing a Chadian Bathroom“, but trust us, it’s well worth the wait.  Even though our house actually came  bathrooms inside, I’ve never experienced a well-ventilated bathroom inside a Chadian house.  In addition, since the builder left before the house was finished (that’s a story for another day), the toilets are not installed and the drainage pipes that are actually connected simply empty themselves just outside the house (one toilet actually empties itself right next to our front steps (there’s a welcome invitation for any guests).

This just in…I’m NOT a plumber.  Therefore, we went forward with plans we’ve long held for building our own outdoor bathroom.  What started out looking like this:


…now looks like this:


And with all the squatting we’ve done over holes for the last several years, I don’t think there’s a nicer seat in our home than the Thetford 34430 Aqua Magic Style Plus Bone High China Bowl acquire Zoloft online :


The bathroom is complete with a light for nighttime use:


…a drain if someone wants to shower, and a large ventilation pipe to carry off Athanasius’ hazardous fumes (at least that’s what I tell him):



One funny side note to mention is you should see the looks on Chadian’s faces when I try to explain that these toilets are actually made and used in vehicles in America…I don’t think one of them has believed me yet :-)

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