Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Pool Party

Here in the capital of N’Djamena, there are now three hotels that have pools. So, Sonja packed the kids’ trunks from Iriba and told them we would do our best to try and go once. We had never done this before, but thought it would be a fun break for them.

Upon hearing the cost of taking our family to the pool, I gulped a little, and said okay. Once we were there though, I thought to myself that I would have paid double for the expression on my kids’ faces. That little 8 X 8 kiddie pool was like Disneyland to them as they splashed around and had some cool fun with one another.  Even Perpetua joined them after awhile:


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After a couple hours of splashing and playing in the water, we dried off and enjoyed some sandwiches together at lunch, before jumping back in for one last hour of water fun.

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