Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Paint Chips

While we were out of country, rainy season came and went. That’s right, we missed the majority of the ONLY rains that come to Chad for the year and now it’s another 11 months of lots of sun :-) How do we know it rained you ask? Well there was a lot of water and green grass to see all across the country as we drove home.

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Then there was the evidence inside our home. That’s right…in Chad we have the special honor of not only enjoying rainfall outside, but also having it seep through our roofs and into the house. The neat effect that this has on our homes is that it causes the paint on the ceilings (usually white) and the walls to moisten, dry, and fall to the ground. So, here’s what our entryway looked like when we walked in after being out of country for a month.


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Bily says:

    Maybe that’s what the Minneapolis house looks like on the inside…
    Why does the roof leak, what is it made out of?

    • Jacob says:

      Everything is cement here. A friend mentioned that maybe applying some kind of sealant on the roof might help, but we need to figure out a way to implement some kind of slight slope to the roof so the water doesn’t simply pool.

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