Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Water Tanks Aboard

Contrary to popular belief, we don’t necessarily want to live like we’re in circa 1800’s. It’s just the way things are here.  But, little by little, things even start to change in Chad and as they do, we’re able to implement those changes.

For example, many people in the capital city have started to use water tanks on top of their houses (and pumps to deliver the water there) in order to create consistent running water in their homes. So, when we arrived back to Chad, I purchased a couple water tanks and hope to use them along with piping to give running water to our house (those of you know my handyman skills can start a prayer vigil now that I don’t destroy our home).  With the help of some friends, I strapped the water tanks onto our trusty vehicle, which made us look a little bigger driving across country.


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It was actually a very quiet ride, as I warned the kids at the beginning of the trip that if they were too loud or if any of them asked me “Are we there yet?”, I would be putting them inside the water tanks on the top of the vehicle.

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