Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Father Daughter Tea

There are many little “joys” that we give up in living in Iriba.  From foods to clothing to general freedoms, the norms are extremely different here than in Minnesota.  Some of those joys we go without for years, while others we sometimes try to recreate  in our own home.  Such was the Father Daughter Tea that I enjoyed with Evangeline.

A few years ago, Sonja heard from some other mothers about a special dinner held at a church for fathers and daughters.  As someone who has always liked the idea of making space for relationships with each of our children, she thought this was a great way for Evangeline and I to have some time together.

But, here in Iriba, there are no church tea gatherings for fathers and daughters.  In fact, while I’m able to take my sons out to the local eating places, it’s considered inappropriate for a young girl or woman to be in a public restaurant.  Therefore, Sonja had the idea to have the tea time in our own home and expand it to a full dinner.  She made it extra special by having a friend send decorations, dessert, and some special gifts to exchange.

Sonja chose the theme “Singing Over Your Children” and had Matt Maher’s song of the same title playing in the background.  She made us some delicious pasta followed by even better brownies with tea.  Evangeline and I read Zephaniah 3 together and discussed what were some of the characteristics that mark a daughter of God (v. 14-20).  It was wonderful to be able to affirm some of those things I’ve already seen God doing in her heart and pray that he would continue that work.  We closed the night by exchanging gifts to commemorate the special event, a necklace for Evangeline and a picture of the two of us for me.

Thanks honey for giving Evangeline and I a special time to connect and thanks Christy for sending all the special items to help make it happen!  Here are some pictures:


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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Laura Lunger says:

    My Goodness, do you ever have a beautiful young LADY with you! I’m looking at the picture that is above my phone given to me the last time you all werehere and has Evangeline ever grown into such a Lovely young lady! I’m so excited to reconnect with you all when you return back to us! Love and Prayers, Laura Lunger

  2. Veronica says:

    Precious moments to be treasured! I have several memories of doing similar things with my dad. I’m glad you have some gifts to remind you of the event.

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