Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Archive for August, 2013

Tackle Your Children

Sometime our kids can drive us bananas.  They need instruction and discipline.  We do our best to provide it for them, but listening to…

Worship & Thievery

Now that our home is purchase Zoloft set up, we have started to host other expat workers on Sundays for a time of worship…

Cooking In Style

When Nehemiah and I were in N’Djamena last week, I shared with a few friends that I was looking for a stove so that…

The Family Vehicle

After many prayers, generous giving, and a little waiting, we finally have a vehicle for our family. Nehemiah and I met the previous owner…

Marriage Proposal Details

Marriage Proposal Details

A couple weeks ago, I briefly mentioned that Athanasius “proposed” to Kendra.  Kendra dishes on the details at her blog, “Magnificent Obsession“.  After reading…

My First Shadow

Over the years, as Sonja and I have talked about childrearing and the kids’ education, we have both had a desire to see our…

Searching For Stoves

While in the capital waiting for our vehicle and all of our proper licenses, Nehemiah and I are also on the lookout for a…