Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Archive for September, 2013

The Unexpected Visitor

When I was five years old, Papa and I traveled to a campground in West Virginia.  We met my Uncle Joseph who had just…

Teaching Writing

When I taught Fifth Grade, we spent quite a bit of time teaching writing.  Descriptive wriitng, persuasive writing, informative writing and …  inevitably when…

Not Forgotten

This past week we went through Acts 8 and spent time together discussing it with friends.  It details the events immediately after the stoning…

Roof Puddles

Our house is one of the more rare homes in Abeche in that it has a flat cement roof.  For the majority of the…

Two Things I’ve Never Seen

purchase Zoloft American and Chadian cultures are extremely different.  Things that might be common in one culture are absolutely rare in the other.  For…

Rain Galore

It’s rainy season here in Chad. It’s really a big deal because for nine months, there is no rain at all in the desert…