Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Beginner English Graduates

Beginner English Graduates

One of the things that I’ve been working on during the past year is a curriculum of American English for Chadians.  Most English curriculums…

Sweat Shadows

Sweat Shadows

You might have thought that mark next to Sahara was a spilled glass of water or perhaps the evidence of a diaper less nap….

Peterson Package

Peterson Package

A visitor to Iriba delivered a package to us from Abéché. You see the mail service stops there in Abéché, so the only way…

Father Daughter Tea

Father Daughter Tea

There are many little “joys” that we give up in living in Iriba.  From foods to clothing to general freedoms, the norms are extremely…

The Finished Kitchen

The Finished Kitchen

Well it’s almost finished.  The sink just needs the final drain pieces to be connected.  If you want to see the beginnings of this room…

Men Holding Hands

Men Holding Hands

Sometimes cultures differ in what feels like small ways, then other times it feels REALLY big. Take for example…men holding hands.  I remember when…

Making Our Home

Making Our Home

Even in Africa, people want their home to be a place of beauty, peace, and rest.  Chadians will use bricks, rock, and paint to…

Group Pics

Group Pics

To round out the posts on our area retreat, here are a couple group pictures of those who work with us here.  First, this is a…

Retreat Visitors

Retreat Visitors

So, who were all these visitors that made such a fantastic week for us. The majority of them came from our sending church in Minneapolis,…

Water Balloons

Water Balloons

What simple little devices could bring loads of fun and relief in Chad?  That’s right…water balloons.  How did you know?  Oh, I wrote it…