Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Posts by: Sonja

Lower Lip Syndrome

Nehemiah and I have frequently had a certain conversation these past 9 months.  It is usually prompted by something that Evangeline gets to do,…

My Friend Christy

In our transient life, there are some people that we meet briefly, but never see them again.  Other times, we may spend 3-6 months…

Looking Up

I often find myself getting caught up in situations around me.  Whether it is the kids going back and forth about who passed the…

Quel Ami Fidèle et Tendre

order Prozac The title literally reads, “What A Faithful and Tender Friend”. One way we learn French is by listening to music on the…

Baby Picture Results

The results are in and you all scored wonderfully.  Here is who each baby picture is and where the picture was taken: Baby A…

Baby Picture Game

This may be the only time we can reasonably fool some of you.  Here’s Perpetua at 2 months… As we’ve observed her growing and…

On Being A Celebrity

In rural Africa it’s normal to have “beaucoup de” kids (that’s a French phrase that we’ve added to our English vocabulary- it means “a…

Feeling Overwhelmed?

There have been situations in the past when I’ve felt overwhelmed by having multiple things that need to get done.  In fact, everything just…

Gifts of Observation

I’ve shared about gifts before and mentioned one thing that makes them special to me is when they come as a surprise.  Another characteristic…