Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Posts by: Sonja

Cultural Death

Being in another culture causes my mind to make comparisons and judgments about what’s right and what’s wrong.  While there may be something innocently…

Lessons in Humility

As I have shared in previous posts, Jacob and I have been reading a book called Humility: True Greatness by CJ Mahaney.  I can’t…

First Week Highs and Lows

Our first week here was full of unpacking, grocery store shopping, looking for a doctor, having a slight meltdown and reconnecting with the other…

Saying Goodbye

The older our kids get the more they understand that moving on to the next thing means leaving something or someone behind.  One of…

Packing Time

August… For many people in America, August means trying to make the most of the last days of summer vacation, and gearing up for…

Open My Hands

I still remember our first visit to Sudan.  It was hot.  Really hot.  There were flies.  A lot of flies.  We had diarrhea.  I…